What could be the best of attracting shopaholic other than putting a ‘sale’ sign on your shop? A sale is something that urges you to buy something just because it has become cheaper than before and this is what overshadows the fact whether you need that thing or not. Black Friday is more likely to be called as the grandest sale of the year. The concept of black Friday emerged in the USA in the early 1950s and was celebrated after Thanksgiving Day. However, now it is celebrated all around the world and has gained popularity in the last few decades due to grand promotions through magazines or social media agency Dubai. Apparently, it seems as though black Friday sales offers are only beneficial for customers only, but it is astonishing to know that the brands make most out of it. Here are some facts about the grand discounts that are offered on Black Friday that are indicative of how brands are getting the advantage of this:
Misleading Discounts:
The e-commerce brand makes so much hype about their sales through emails or ads on social media platforms that customers feel compelled to buy something and their rationale is blinded by the excitement of shopping things at massive discounts. In all this, perfectly advertised sales offer we often ignore or are more likely to forget as to how much the brand was offering a discount. Moreover, the fear of seeing ‘out of stock’ written on the desired product does not let us reckon if the price that has to be after the application of discount accurate or not. This is not the only issue when it comes to buying things from sale. Some brands increase the price of their product before sale starts, and when the discount is applied, the price doesn’t get lower than it used to formerly. It is obvious that customers cannot remember the old price of the product or cannot calculate if the discount offered is being applied or not because of the rushed-up situation, so brands take it as an opportunity to apply misleading discounts.
Product Quality:
We all have seen this written ‘no return or exchange of sale products’ on almost every e-commerce website but we often overlook this fact while shopping products at decreased rates. The grand sale like black Friday allows e-commerce brands to sell all of their products, that might have been in their storehouses for two or three years, successfully. However, while being in storehouses the quality of the product might not remain as good as it was when it was freshly made, therefore, you can end up getting a shabby thing at the end. Since you have agreed to ‘no return or exchange rule’, you cannot claim for the right article. Moreover, the drawback of e-commerce brands is that you cannot communicate easily with the management because their offices are not located in all the cities. While contacting them through emails or phone calls can get really hectic particularly at the time of sale.
Timed Sales:
You might have noticed a timer or clock that is constantly ticking on websites during Black Friday sale, or might read line like ‘till stock lasts’, ‘limited stock available’ ‘one-hour left till the sale end’ and many such taglines are used by e-commerce brands to create an artificial sense of urgency among the clients. The fear of missing out is what leads clients to fill their shopping carts with unnecessary items as well. The deals that are often seen in the advertisements are highly limited and end at the beginning of the sale. However, the impression that those deals have created on the customer’s mind makes them buy even the products that are old, or they might not even need them. Likewise, the free-shipping offers after your shopping exceed a certain price compel customers to fill their carts with every cheap thing they see, irrespective of the need or to worry about the product’s quality.
The tactics like these enable brands to make the most out of Black Friday sales. Although some deals are quite genuine, and you should consider buying them from the sale, but the important thing is to keep yourself calm as you shop. Do not just rush to press the ‘add to cart button’, check the old and new prices and see if the discounts that were advertised have been applied or not. Even if that article gets out of stock, it is not the only sale that you can look up to. There are plenty of sales offered on special occasions that you can avail of. Do not shop till you drop, rather shop rationally!