We come across many guys that are challenged with hair issues that compel them to undergo hair transplants at one time or the other. One should know what a hair transplant in Turkey involves so that the guy undergoing the same is well versed with this process. 

A short guide for the patients – The guys undergoing the procedure must know that FUE hair transplant stands for Follicular Unit Extraction, the modern technique. It involves the use of a particular extraction device. It is the wise trained doctor who extracts the hair follicles from the area known as the donor region. The recipient area then receives these hair follicles wherein an extraordinary microsurgical needle is used. The area of the scalp is punctured for receiving the grafts that are inserted at the requisite angle. Focus is emphasized on the density aspect so that realistic and natural hair pattern is directed. 

The guys undergoing the above procedure must know:

  1. Time – A period of about six to eight hours is required for completion of this procedure if you prefer one-day session. Those wishing two-day session may have to undergo twelve to sixteen hours procedure that depends much upon the number of grafts that are required. The characteristics of your hair also count much in this regard. You will come to know about the graft numbers that are being transplanted during this special process. 
  2. What to wear – Those undergoing hair transplant procedures at any centre are advised to wear loose and comfortable clothing. Loose trousers or tracksuit lowers are recommended for the patients that wish to undergo such procedures that are so popular these days. Use of a wide neck t-shirt or shirt with buttons is highly recommended during the hair transplant procedure that is so beneficial. It is easy to take off such clothes after the operation is over. 
  3. Any pain – Use of local anaesthesia is helpful in minimising the painful sensations during the process of hair transplant. Almost zero discomforts is the unique benefit of this unique process. No post-surgical discomfort or pain is experienced. 
  4. What after the operation – The guys undergoing hair transplant operations are advised to take antibiotics for about four days. This is to ensure that no infection takes place after the hair transplant operation. Use of the new baseball cap is recommended after the guy undergoes the hair transplant operation at the clinic. The cap can be used when going in the hot sun and it is recommended to wear it for about two weeks. Guys having undergone the hair transplant procedure at any clinic are suggested to take good rest for about two weeks for overall safety. 

Now that you know what a hair transplant in Turkey involves, be prepared for the same and enjoy satisfaction. 

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