Trying to be more sustainable, live greener and use less energy is something that a lot more of us are working towards nowadays, especially with the ever-rising energy prices and effects that global warming is having on the world we live in.
Making your static caravan more environmentally friendly can be done in various ways, from small, subtle changes to investing in products or materials that save you money in the long run and deliver many great benefits for both you and the planet.
Reduce energy usage
Keep an eye on how often you are using the heating and maybe consider turning it down, opting for an extra jumper instead or a hot water bottle if you are cold. You can also install low energy lightbulbs, switch off electrical items that aren’t in use including items on ‘standby mode’, add extra insulation under the caravan and use a smart thermostat to programme temperature settings for when you are out or away.
Catch rain water
If you have a garden area, greenery or flowers in and around your static caravan then purchase a large container or water butt to collect rainwater with and use it to water your grass and plants instead of fresh water from a tap or hose.
Buying a static caravan
Whether you are buying for the first time or upgrading your existing model, when you look at mobile homes for sale there are two options to consider. Buying a preowned home will not only cost less than new but means there is no carbon footprint from the manufacturing of a new unit. However, the newer homes tend to be produced more efficiently and you can even be selective about the type you choose along with things such as insulation, heating, appliances etc which will affect how environmentally friendly it is.
Solar panels
This is becoming a popular option for mobile homeowners but isn’t cheap initially. However, over time the renewable energy can greatly decrease your energy usage and bills.
Sensible shopping habits
Make the conscious effort to seek out and use products which have eco-friendly versions such as toilet paper, shopping bags and cleaning products. In addition to this, if you are looking to add any furniture or home accessories to your caravan, then instead of buying a new, look at local charity shops or boot sales where there are many great items extremely cheap which can be repurposed and upcycled.
Double glazing for windows and doors
If your mobile home doesn’t have it already then investing in double glazing can help to;
- Save costs on energy bills
- Provide extra sound proofing
- Ensure better temperature control year round
- Causes less condensation
Recycle and Reuse
Recycling as much as possible helps to reduce general waste, save energy, conserve natural resources, cut carbon emissions and reduce the demand for raw materials. Using a kitchen compost is also a great way to use vegetables, fruits, peelings and organic waste in a productive way.
Upgrade old appliances
Replacing older, inefficient appliances such as fridges, freezers and ovens can make a real difference to how much energy you are using, and the new technology tends to be vastly better than that on older models.