Seriously douching while pregnant! What is the great deal about it, if you not tried then better not opt that route? Douching is meant to eradicate the bad smell and turn it into something clean and pure. All vaginas have smell and you cannot do anything about it. The word douching is considered to be a taboo in the world of gynaecology or medicine. Some are of the opinion that it is the worst thing which a woman can do on her body, but it is not exactly a good thing as per the experts.
What is needed is a sensible idea on the topic douche while pregnant. The advantages along with the risks associated with the same. Once both the sides of the story have been understood then only you can figure out whether douching is a good or a bad idea.
What is douching?
Douching is an age old practice, but many younger women are not aware of what practically it is. In simple words it is a bath for your vagina. The vagina always puts out something. It obviously has to be blood, but during the fertile period and one has to discharge that is clear. It aids the sperm to make its way up to the vaginal canal. Even on normal days the vagina secretes out small amount of discharge. If you are a victim of STD, then the colour of it may be greenish. But it is normal to have a small amount of vaginal discharge each day.
In no ways douching is a mechanism to stop this discharge. In technical terms it is merely irritating the vagina. Some of them are plain water, whereas others are cleansing agents or deodorants which give a nice and pure smell. It depends on the preference of an individual on what they want to use.
The reasons to douche
Women tend to have their own specific reasons to douche. One main increase is to clean the vagina and decrease the odour. Some women are known to have smell from their normal discharge and this is bound to make them uncomfortable. If the scent is stronger then you should skip douching and seek a consultation with a gynaecologist. You would need to check out whether it is an infection as strong odours are not that common.
Some women prefer douching during and after their monthly cycles, to clean the blood and decrease the odour from the discharge. Some other reasons for douching are there which can be described as discredited. In case of women urinary tract infections are common, and some are of the opinion that douching will prevent it. Research points to the fact that this is not true. A majority of women also resort to douching in the hope that sexually transmitted diseases will be kept at bay which is also not true. The last major misconception about douching is that prevent pregnancy when one has had unprotected sex. Though it may wash away the sperm in the vaginal canal, pregnancy cannot be prevented.