To keep your business afloat one needs to change his advertising tactics regularly and adopt new ones. The main aim is to be different from the rest of the community so that the customers remember your enterprise. There are billions of these tactics available in the market, advertising the concepts that a customer can relate to is the evergreen one. This is also the most famous psychological trick used to make people remember and like you. Let’s see how can one use these tricks in the field of advertising to help increase the business.
Advertising Using Inflatables
Inflatables are balloons that children use to play with. Now advertising inflatables, that’s a bit strange, here listen to me out first, it is psychological proven that human brains remember things more if they can use their three senses, that are seeing, feeling and hearing. Inflatables are a mixture of these three. I am not asking you to bring child balloons, all I am saying is that you could use them as advertising means.
For example, if your enterprise provides play ways facilities to the children of your employees you can use these inflatables to give them as a toy, or you could always hook them up along with your company name or use them as a decor piece in your office. By advertising inflatables, one catches the attention of the people passing by, mainly the parents, whose child gets excited by seeing the inflatable. When people see large inflatables with your company name and logo they somewhere attach themselves emotional to you and your company, “I saw that there on the top of building with the same logo, they must be damn good”, moreover people immediately try to reconnect themselves when they saw the same logo, hence somewhere your company occupied space in their mind, and when there would be something they need relating to your enterprise they’ll remember you.
When we plan an event our top priority is to make people feel welcomed, we have observed that young children often accompany their parents in these events and are bored to death, you can entertain them, have an arch inflatable welcome gate, some inflatable banner, children will gather there, along with the attention of parents and passersby. Secondly if your enterprise is sponsoring an event you could demand for the event organiser to place your inflatable with company’s name and logo that way everyone will know you are the one who sponsored the vent even without telling yourself., again a marketing technique. Lastly one can use advertising inflatables by creating the exact inflatable version of the product you are going to launch at the party of the product, in such scenarios people immediately think if the inflatable version is this cool how cool the original product will be. You could also tell people in which sector you deal by hooking a big product inflatable along with the name and logo of your company’s building. People could see these inflatables high in the sky, and would naturally increase the number of visitors and customers. These big product inflatable will let the people of your vicinity know what types of industry you deal with. It is a well known fact that people relate with visual aids more as compared to printed advertisements.
An inflatable is a fun way to build a brand and make your community, they make people trust you and your work. They create a visual impact on the mind of people subconsciously making them remember the logo and your company name.