Corporate Brand Guidelines Colour scheme plays a very vital role in corporate brand identity and the selection of a corporate or brand colour is a big ask, if its done on professionals ground and by the real professionals in the field, otherwise, everyone who knows Photoshop can work around with colour swatch to create a manmade brand. Colours have a strong power of communication and when it comes to brand colour scheme, its even more crucial to create a relevant and acceptable identity. Brand colours are very important decision for any company and the company goes a long-way in deciding their brand colour. There are branding companies who can help you in corporate branding.
Brand colours must be inline with the trade or industry or nature of business. For examples, if the brand belongs to telecom sector, its colour scheme should communicate the belonging very easily without much confusion and trades people should be able to identify its signals with an understanding about the nature of the business. You can also get help from the corporate branding agencies in this regard. Irrelevant and unprofessionally done colour scheme goes against the brand image and no one recognizes it among the established or reputed brands, as it has no colour philosophy or theory behind the corporate colour scheme.
Colour in corporate branding and design should be very attractive, pleasing and easily printable. Your colour should be so much compatible that it can be used with any background or can be placed anywhere. It should have strong appeal and a very impactful impression. The corporate colour of any company should be chosen by the corporate branding ideas which depict the trade representation of that particular brand. A telecom brand should look like a technology based company with its corporate image and identity.
Devising a corporate color to any brand is a really technical job which requires well developed and well thought-out strategy by some professional company who has been creating strong brand identities. This should be based upon a strenuous market research and a comprehensive study of competitors overall trends. Once a color has been picked, it should be spread all over the brand communication and everyone must be made familiar with the identity of the brand. Colors in corporate and branding designs are most integral component and these colors alone serve as a brand symbol to make the consumer recognize any specific brand with its color.
Some of the brands have used color as their differentiation and it has worked very well. Indigo is ac color which was previously not considered as a corporate color and it was widely used in cosmetics and fashion world, but most recently, a new trend has emerged an indigo color has been used by many renowned brands.