The problem of rotting is quite common as well as serious in the wooden structures or the wooden surfaces. There is dry rot and wet rot. The latter type is more serious and requires immediate treatment so that further damage to the wooden structures and surfaces may be prevented or avoided. Wet rot is mainly caused due to presence of moisture content in the wood. It leads to vast scale damage to the wooden structures as well as other structures around them. Absence of apt measures to prevent or treat wet rot or blocking moisture from entering the wooden surfaces is mainly the major cause of occurrence of wet rot. Defects in the plumbing system, drainage system etc. of any place is mainly responsible for wet rot.
Identification of wet rot- Since wet rot is quite dangerous for any place therefore it is very important to identify wet rot any place. Here are some identification measures for wet rot.
Musty smell- In case, damp musty smell comes from any of the wooden surfaces at your place then you needs to check it for presence of wet rot. It is because wet rot is always foul smelling and is similar to that of dampness and mildew. It is due to the reason that the source of origin of wet rot is mainly water or moisture content.
Fungal growth- Wet rot is also accompanied by growth of fungus at that place. It is due to the reason dampness is also one of the major causes of fungal growth.
Softening of the timber or wooden surfaces– The area of wood which is attacked by the wet rot becomes quite soft. It is because dampness makes wooden surface weak and soft.
Cracking of the wooden surface- Apart from softening, the wooden surface is also prone to cracking due to wet rot.
Discoloration of the wooden surface- Dampness makes the colour of the wooden surface fades away. Discoloration or fading away of the natural colour of the wood or even the painted colour on it is also a direct sign of the wet rot in the wood.
Tips to deal with wet rot
In order to get rid of wet rot and save the wooden surface from its further attack, it is very important to deal it with well-in-time. Here are some tips to deal with wet rot.
Prevention of moisture content– The foremost step to deal with the problem of wet rot is to prevent occurrence of wet rot at any place. For this, you need to make all efforts to keep the wooden surfaces completely dry and free of moisture. Do not allow moisture to seep into your property from anywhere so that the wooden surfaces may be kept free from wet rot.
Treatment of wet rot- Even after making all the efforts, if wet rot still occurs at your place, take help from some professionals so that they may help you in complete treatment and prevention of the same using appropriate measures.
This was all about wet root. Knowing all this, you can surely keep your property and wooden surfaces safe against it.