Every woman who is in the 2nd or 3rd stages of pregnancy tend to encounter false labor pains or contractions which is referred to as false labor contractions or termed as Braxton Hicks contraction. You may tend to feel contractions when you are feeling sleeping, drinking or walking. The amount of water that needs to be drunk was over 32 ounces. In this regard it would be better if you have a contraction schedule in place as you can anticipate the time when it is going to happen.
At certain point of time such form of contractions could be painful and strong at the same time. But pregnant women could hardly sense this form of contraction. One of the striking features of this contraction is that they are likely to be there for around 15 to 36 hours at the most. It has to be said that such form of contractions do help a woman for advanced birth and labor.
On a daily level, the situation is that a pregnant woman may feel that the muscles of the uterus are being tightened. The groin or the lower abdomen is being squeezed at regular intervals of time as well. These forms of contractions have a tendency to emerge and unpredictably go away. It does have a chance of occurring for a short phase of time as well. It tends to occur all the more in the evening or morning hours, where a lady is tired after being part of the daily activities day in and day out.
At a certain point of time these false contractions point in the direction to a woman that their labor is due. But the correct time is not at that point of time for sure. Such is the situation that they might it difficult to separate the real contractions from the fake ones as well. Therefore the need of the hour for every woman is to figure out the difference between a real and a false contraction. With the aid of an online contraction timer, you can figure out the true nature when a labor pain is due.
There are several points which you need to be aware on how to understand the difference between a true and a false contraction. Some of the common aspects that is going to provide you with a fair indication are
- The true contractions are going to occur at regular intervals while the false one follows an irregular pattern. The true labor contractions tends to last for around 30 to 70 seconds at the most
- Over a point of time, the true contractions tends to become a lot stronger
- The true ones start at the back and then move towards the front. The false one tends to be felt in the lower back pain , abdomen or the groin
- If you move you are going to feel the true labor contractions. On the other hand the false one will stop the moment you start moving or walking around.