If you are planning to travel to Melaka via Kuala Lumpur (KL) in Malaysia, then you need to book your tickets. Owing to the availability of various travel websites we can now book tickets online. You can also book the ticket directly by visiting the bus terminal like the Terminal Bersepadu Selatan in KL or else by going to the electronic bus ticket machines and get one ticket at a time by paying in cash. However, for quick booking, the online booking will be the best. Online booking is quick and simple. It is less time consuming and you can book it any time you want. You can even select the seat of your own preference.
You can book tickets online even if it is a holiday and not bother for the booking centre to be closed. Apart from bus, you can also make an air journey from KL to Melaka from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Also, few flights travel from KL to Melaka when compared to the buses. As air fare is quite expensive, travel by bus from KL to Melaka serves as the best.
Travel guide for your journey to Melaka
Bus services are available in abundance from KL to Melaka. Every 30 minutes a bus leaves the terminal. It starts from very early in the morning and goes till late at night. The journey between the two destinations is about 150 kilometres via road and takes about 2 hours to reach. Terminal Bersepadu Selatan is a huge bus terminal and quite similar to an airport. En route the journey you will come across Transnasional, Konsortium Bas Express and Cepat&Cekap Express. The bus will drop you to Melaka Sentral and from there you fetch local buses or taxis. Travel by bus from KL to Melaka will cost you around 12.20 Malaysian Ringgit to 12.90 Ringgit. The price varies accordingly with the bus operators and also with the quality of the buses.Takinga bus from KL to Melaka is the easiest and most economical mode of transportation. Apart from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan, you can also fetch a bus from PuduSentral. Multiple buses depart from Melaka every hour from both the terminals.
Your experience in journey to Melaka
Melaka is popular tourist destination In Malaysia and is one of the top preferences among travellers. The rich heritage of Melaka is recognised by UNESCO world heritage status. You can visit the many museums, historical buildings, city squares, markets and even natural places. Melaka also offers many galleries and gardens as well. There are also many temples, mosques and churches. It is also very less expensive. Often the journey will be less expensive if you make the travel from Kuala Lumpur via bus.Once you book a ticket online to Melaka, then you can relax and enjoy your holiday. Your journey to Melaka from KL via bus can make you witness all the wonderful monuments and structures of the city and treasure it for a lifetime.